Summer Camp
Covenant Nursery School’s summer program is designed to engage young children in the wonders of the outdoors, playing with others and having fun. Children will be exposed to a group setting that includes: activities guided by children’s particular interests, art and craft activities, fine motor activities, small and large group play, music and movement activities, sensory play– much of which will be outside!
Camp Covenant will be located on our Turtle Playscape, Blacktop area, grassy area and indoors. Sessions will meet Monday-Thursday from 9:30-12:00. Camp Covenant will only be open to current or incoming Covenant children. Children must be turning 3 by September 1 and must be confidently potty trained to attend.
We will also be offering a Lunch Option add on from 12:00-1:00. After participating in all the fun activities of camp, we will have a daily option for children to bring a lunch from home and eat indoors (appropriately spaced) with peers. Families may choose how many and which days to stay for lunch (not required to stay for lunch every day of the session).
To enroll, complete the attached registration form and return along with your check made out to Covenant Nursery School. If wanting to spread out camp payment, please make arrangements with the Director.
***No refunds will be given for children’s absences due to illness or travel.